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watt-hour meters
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measuring devices
watt-hour meters
ampere-hour meter
EN 6061708-04-02
var-hour meter
EN 6061708-04-15
watt-hour meter measuring energy transmitted in one direction only
EN 6061708-04-04
excess watt-hour meter
EN 6061708-04-09
slave watt-hour meter (repeater) with printing device
EN 6061708-04-12
slave watt-hour meter (repeater)
EN 6061708-04-11
watt-hour meter counting the energy flow towards the busbars
EN 6061708-04-06
watt-hour meter counting in both energy flow directions (towards or from bus bars)
EN 6061708-04-07
watt-hour meter counting the energy flow from the busbars
EN 6061708-04-05
watt-hour meter with maximum demand indicator
EN 6061708-04-13
watt-hour meter with transmitter
EN 6061708-04-10
watt-hour meter with maximum demand recorder
EN 6061708-04-14
multi-rate watt-hour meter (two-rate shown)
EN 6061708-04-08
watt-hour meter
EN 6061708-04-03